Serving the Las Vegas area & surrounding vicinity, online ordering.
Available Nationwide!

Cleaning your hands often. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Cover coughs and sneezes.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Stay home if you are sick, unless you seek medical care.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
Always Wear A Mask Especially Out In Public
NEW Flamethrower ll Hub assembly (quick disconnect)
NEW Flamethrower ll Hub assembly (quick disconnect)

Flamethrower extra light

All the same great features of the original double kit with the convenience of two quick release arms and 3 total hubs. No Tools needed design takes away any of the hassle. Just pop it on when you need it and off when you don’t.
Order extra hubs for you Vac Brite, Nano Brite or other Polishers and just move your lights from tool to tool. Put a hub on all your machines and simply move the light from your rotary to your dual action. Then move it from your Nano polisher to your Extractor wand or dry vac if you buy the Vac-Brite or Nano Brite 1.5 or 1.25 adaptors. Lighting for every situation with ultimate convenience!
Fits nearly every polisher on the planet with the supplied kit.
Flamethrower kit 2 lights and 3 hubs charger cables and 2 rubber covers

pet hair removal tool with crevice tool is great for pet hair removal special material to remove pet hair attached to the vacumes crevice tool for easy hair removal
pet hair removal tool that attaches to the vacume crevice tool for easy pet hair removal
pet hair removal tool
All the same great features of the original with the convenience of quick release arm and hub. No Tools needed design takes away any of the hassle. Just pop it on when you need it and off when you don’t.
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I'm a paragraph. Click once to begin entering your own content. You can change my font, size, line height, color and more by highlighting part of me and selecting the options from the toolbar.

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